On July 1, 2019, a new idling ordinance will go into effect in Ann Arbor.  The new ordinance states, airborne pollutants from engine emissions cause or aggravate pulmonary diseases, including asthma, lung cancer, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, and emphysema. In addition to public health concerns, idling engines also impose economic cost, including wasted energy, consumption of non- renewable resources, and business and personal expenses for medical care and loss of productivity due to pollution- related illness. Idling engines also reduce citizens quality of life due to noise, odor and air pollution. Each violation will be considered a civil infraction carrying a fine of at least $100.

Commercial vehicles: 5-minute idling limit city- wide and no idling while vehicles are unoccupied.

Non- commercial vehicles: 5-minute idling limit in signed “No Idling” zones and no idling while vehicles are unoccupied.

The goal is to quickly reduce unnecessary idling in certain areas with the hope that drivers will voluntarily reduce wasteful idling elsewhere.

The ordinance does not impact cars on residential property or in driveways.


M Live,  https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2017/06/drivers_take_note_new_anti-idl.html, Ryan Stanton, June 19, 2017.

City of Ann Arbor, https://www.a2gov.org/departments/systems-planning/planning-areas/climate-sustainability/Pages/Idle%20Free%20Ann%20Arbor.aspx, Systems Planning