A contract is written or spoken promise, or a series of promises, between two parties.  If one party fails to preform while the other party fulfills his or her duties under the contract, the preforming party is entitled to legal remedies for this contract breach.

Business contracts are fundamental to the success of a company.  You expect a counter-party to fulfill his or her obligations and her or she expects you to fill yours.  If a provision in the subject contract is broken, it means that a breach has occurred.  If the breach is material and the counter-party will not reasonably resolve the issue, legal action may be warranted.

Contract law can be complicated.  Each state may have different lawsuit procedures and deadlines for filing breach of contract claims.  An attorney can counsel you and evaluate your potential breach of contract claims and related request for damages.

Do not hesitate to contact the attorneys at Tishkoff if you have questions regarding contract law or litigation.  The attorneys at the Tishkoff law firm, located in downtown Ann Arbor, Michigan, may be reached by phone  or email.  This contact information is available at Tishkoff’s web site:  www.Tish.Law.